GFT in the Media
Radio Canada Interview - ISLE OF DEMONS (2024)
Actor Kiera Publicover and Lighting Designer Adam Walters talk Isle of Demons on Y A Pas Deux Matins Pareils
the more the merrier with donna g radio interview (2024)
Co-ADs Helen Juvonen and Tyler J. Seguin discuss all things GFT and Isle of Demons.
Intermission Magazine ARticle - ISLE OF DEMONS (2024)
Actor Kiera Publicover talks Isle of Demons with Intermission Magazine
Sesaya arts magazine article - ISLE OF DEMONS (2024)
Interview with Co-Artistic Director Helen Juvonen, on her role in Isle of Demons
Intermission Magazine - ThREE MEN ON A BIKE (2024)
Actor Azeem Nathoo and Director Sue Miner talk about the return of the Three Men to the park in 2024